Defining an aggregate class

Class anatomy

import {Aggregate, KeySchema, EventWithMetaData} from '@ddes/core'

class MyAggregate extends Aggregate {
// The key schema tells DDES how to convert from key properties
// to a key string and vice-versa.
static eventStore = new AwsEventStore({})

// The key schema tells DDES how to convert from key properties
// to a key string and vice-versa.
static keySchema = new KeySchema(['accountId', 'groupId'])

// The stateReducer is responsible for producing the aggregate state
static stateReducer = (state: MyStateType, event: EventWithMetaData) {
// return updated state

// The static helper method MyAggregate.create() invokes the
// create instance method with the provided properties.
// [API docs]( for details.
async create(props: {accountId: string, groupId: string}) {
if (this.state) { throw new Error('already exists') }

await this.commit({type: 'SomeEvent', properties: {accountId, groupId}})

async doSomething() {
// validate that current state allows doSomething to be invoked
await this.commit({type: 'SomethingWasDone', properties: {hello: 'there'}})

// .. more aggregate commands

See API docs for details.

BankAccount example

import {Aggregate, EventWithMetadata, KeySchema} from '@ddes/core'
import {randomBytes} from 'crypto'

class BankAccount extends Aggregate {
static eventstore = myStore
static keySchema = new KeySchema([
name: 'id',
value(props: {id: string}) {
return || randomBytes(8).toString('base64')

static stateReducer(state: any, event: EventWithMetadata) {
switch (event.type) {
case 'Opened': {
const {id, name} =
return {...state, id, name, balance: 0}

case 'MoneyDeposited': {
return {...state, balance: state.balance +}

case 'MoneyWithdrawn': {
return {...state, balance: state.balance -}

case 'Frozen': {
return {...state, frozen: true, freezeReason:}

case 'Unfrozen': {
const {freezeReason, ...restState} = state
return {...restState, frozen: false}

case 'ForceDeleted': {
return null

return state

async create(props: {id: string; name: string}) {
const {id, name} = props

if (!name) {
throw new Error('You must specify a name!')

if (this.state) {
throw new Error('Account already exists')

return await this.commit({
type: 'Opened',
properties: {

async withdraw(amount: number) {
if (this.state.frozen)
throw new Error(
`Cannot withdraw money from a frozen account: ${

if (amount <= 0) throw new Error('The deposit amount must be more than 0')

if (this.state.balance < amount) throw new Error('Not enough moneys')

return await this.commit({type: 'MoneyWithdrawn', properties: {amount}})

async deposit(amount: number) {
if (this.state.frozen)
throw new Error(
`Cannot deposit money to a frozen account: ${this.state.freezeReason}`

if (amount <= 0) throw new Error('The deposit amount must be more than 0')

return await this.commit({type: 'MoneyDeposited', properties: {amount}})

async freeze(reason: string) {
if (this.state.frozen && this.state.freezeReason === reason) return

return await this.commit({type: 'Frozen', properties: {reason}})

async unfreeze() {
if (!this.state.frozen) return

return await this.commit({type: 'Unfrozen'})

async forceDelete() {
return await this.commit({type: 'ForceDeleted'})